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  1. Baruh Elezarov
  2. Baruh Elezarov
  3. Gad Elezarov
  4. Hodje Elezarov 1855-1922 (Age 67)    Marriage  Ester Elezarova 1850-1922 (Age 72)
    1. Adizoy Elezarova 1880-1941 (Age 61)    Marriage  Moshe Abramov Sufi-Kohen 1876-1942 (Age 66)
    2. Yoshuo Elezarova 1890-1984 (Age 94)    Marriage  Shlomo-Haim Isohorov 1884-1938 (Age 54)
    3. Haimcha Elezarov 1875-1963 (Age 88)
  5. Shalom Elezarov
  6. Yakov Elezarov