yakutielgenealogyThis GEDCOM was created using JOAKTREE 1.4.0 on 12 March 2012Individuals | | Males | 3443 52.3% | Females | 3139 47.68% | Total surnames | | Families | | Sources | | Media objects | | Other records | 1 | Total events | 6252 | Total users | 31
| Earliest birth year | | Leya Bat Sarah (JT00000002) Birth 1762 Irak Death 25 August 1824 (Age 62) Herat | Latest birth year | | This information is private and cannot be shown. | Earliest death year | | Sholomo Gadaev (I2769) Birth Kokand Death 9 Av 1942 WW II | Latest death year |
| Tova Kandkhorova (I915) Birth 21 January 1929 32 25 Samarkand Death 7 March 2018 (Age 89) New York | Person who lived the longest | 108 | Mariyam Bangieva (I2948) Birth 1877 Hondjent Death 18 April 1985 (Age 108) Samarkand | Average age at death | 65 | Males: 62 Females: 68 | Family with the most children | 12 | This information is private and cannot be shown. | Average number of children per family | 1.97 | |
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Record | GIVN | Date |  | Event |
Abramov, Berhay | Berhay | 23 March 2002 | 23 | Death |
Liviev, Bension | Bension | 23 March 1924 | 101 | Birth |
Ibragimov, Abreh | Abreh | 24 March 1924 | 101 | Birth |
Isakharova, Burho-Berta | Burho-Berta | 24 March 1991 | 34 | Death |
Khanimov, Nison | Nison | 24 March 1939 | 86 | Birth |
Kondinov, Morduhay | Morduhay | 24 March 1910 | 115 | Birth |
Simhaev, Misha-Mishoel Father: Simkhaev, Yunatan Mother: Kalontarova, Tova-Asal | Misha-Mishoel | 24 March 1977 | 48 | Death |
Yakutilov, Moshe Father: Yakutielov, Efraim Mother: Yakutielova, Dvoro | Moshe | 24 March 1940 | 85 | Death |
Boruhov, Dovidhay-Arkadiy-Shishka Father: Boruhov, Ari-Koen Mother: Pinhasova, Abigal | Dovidhay-Arkadiy-Shishka | 25 March 1918 | 107 | Birth |
Gasparov, Andronick | Andronick | 25 March 1963 | 62 | Death |
Isakharov, Aron | Aron | 25 March 1923 | 102 | Birth |
Ishaeva, Manya-Mazol Father: Ishaev, Vadiyo Mother: Berta-Beti Pinhasova, Bivi-Shoy | Manya-Mazol | 25 March 1925 | 100 | Birth |
Natanov, Rahmin | Rahmin | 25 March 1983 | 42 | Death |
Allaeva, Berta Father: Allaev, Naftaly Mother: Yakutilova, Rivka-Libko | Berta | 26 March 1945 | 80 | Death |
Haimov, Izhak | Izhak | 26 March 1980 | 45 | Death |
Niazova, Tosya-Tova Father: Niazov, Shmuel Mother: Yuabova, Miriyam | Tosya-Tova | 26 March 1939 | 86 | Birth |
Zavlunov, Emanuel | Emanuel | 26 March 1905 | 120 | Birth |
Ibragimgaev, Yasha | Yasha | 27 March 1926 | 99 | Birth |
Zavurova, Billio Father: Zavurov, Rafael Mother: Yusupova, Freho | Billio | 27 March 2007 | 18 | Death |
Akilov, Rafael Father: Akilov, Abbo Mother: Normatova, Rohell | Rafael | 28 March 2001 | 24 | Death |
Avezbakiev, Sholomo | Sholomo | 28 March 1947 | 78 | Death |
Efraimova, Ester-Assya Father: Efraimov, Manni-Korra Mother: Abramova, Sporo | Ester-Assya | 28 March 1965 | 60 | Death |
Aminov, Semen-Sion | Semen-Sion | 29 March 2006 | 19 | Death |
Iskhakova, Hanno Father: Iskhakov, Ari-Direktor Mother: Dayanova, Osnat | Hanno | 29 March 2016 | 9 | Death |
Kandkhorov, Nison Father: Kandhorov, Rabbay Izhak Mother: Piger, Yuheved | Nison | 29 March 1978 | 47 | Death |
Mangit, Eyeltov bat | Eyeltov bat | 29 March 1959 | 66 | Death |
Prieva, Betie | Betie | 29 March 1938 | 87 | Birth |
Priyeva, Betie | Betie | 29 March 1938 | 87 | Birth |
Yakutilova, Zilpo Father: Yakutilov, Shlomo Mother: Rubinova, Bad-Sheva | Zilpo | 29 March 1936 | 89 | Death |
Iskhakov, Uriel Father: Iskhakov, Bahor Mother: Zavlunova, Panir | Uriel | 30 March 1930 | 95 | Birth |
Kalontarova, Sporo | Sporo | 30 March 1958 | 67 | Death |
Kandkhorova, Bonu bat Mazal | Bonu bat Mazal | 30 March 1942 | 83 | Death |
Efraimov, Morduhay Father: Yakutielov, Efraim Mother: Yakutielova, Dvoro | Morduhay | 31 March 1960 | 65 | Death |
Yusupov, Pinhas | Pinhas | 1 April 1967 | 58 | Death |
Alisho, Rafael | Rafael | 2 April 1968 | 57 | Death |
Boruhov, Hayka | Hayka | 2 April 1936 | 89 | Birth |
Elhananova, Suri-Sarra Father: Elhananov, Yakov Mother: Abaeva, Eyeltov | Suri-Sarra | 2 April 2008 | 17 | Death |
Gavrielov, Ilyas Father: Gavrielov, David Mother: Israilova, Berta-Burho | Ilyas | 2 April 1985 | 40 | Birth |
Niyazova, Yafa | Yafa | 2 April 1970 | 55 | Death |
Yakutilov, Michael-Moshe Father: Yakutilov, Ruben Mother: Mosheeva, Burho | Michael-Moshe | 2 April 2012 | 13 | Death |
(unknown), Aaron | Aaron | 2 April 2001 | 24 | Death |
Aminov, Pinkhas Father: Mutovely, Isroel Mother: Israilova, Bolirio | Pinkhas | 3 April 1959 | 66 | Death |
Babkin, Nikolay | Nikolay | 3 April 1922 | 103 | Birth |
Bachaeva, Efer | Efer | 3 April 1900 | 125 | Birth |
Efraimova, Rena Father: Efraimov, Meneshe Mother: Aronova, Dvoro | Rena | 3 April 1990 | 35 | Death |
Leviev, Daniel | Daniel | 3 April 1992 | 33 | Death |
Mierov, Avromhaim Father: Mierov, Mier Mother: Mierova, Panino | Avromhaim | 3 April 1978 | 47 | Death |
Shimunova, Burho Father: Shimunov, Yoshi Mother: Borukhova, Yushuo | Burho | 3 April 2012 | 13 | Death |
Shipzel, Efraim | Efraim | 3 April 1946 | 79 | Birth |
Abramov, Mishoel | Mishoel | 4 April 1995 | 30 | Death |
Davidov, Iosef | Iosef | 4 April 1999 | 26 | Death |
Fayzulaev, Misha | Misha | 4 April 1933 | 92 | Birth |
Isakova, Sofa | Sofa | 4 April 1998 | 27 | Death |
Iskhakov, Misha-Michael Father: Iskhakov, Bahor Mother: Zavlunova, Panir | Misha-Michael | 4 April 1932 | 93 | Birth |
Iskhakova, Shivra | Shivra | 4 April 1998 | 27 | Death |
Mierova, Hevsi Father: Mierov, Mier Mother: Mierova, Panino | Hevsi | 4 April 1978 | 47 | Death |
Babaeva, Spora | Spora | 5 April 1994 | 31 | Death |
Malakova, Frida Father: Malakov, Mierhay Mother: Davidova, Rivka | Frida | 5 April 1987 | 38 | Death |
Matatova, Tamara | Tamara | 5 April 2005 | 20 | Death |
Yunaeva, Ester Father: Davidov, Yuno Mother: Yakutilova, Saviyo | Ester | 5 April 2004 | 21 | Death |
Ibragimov, Nisim | Nisim | 6 April 1981 | 44 | Death |
Pinkhasov, Bakhor Father: Pinkhasov, Yahiel Mother: Pinkhasova, Bitie | Bakhor | 6 April 1975 | 50 | Death |
Yakutilov, Boris-Bahor-Zvi Father: Yakutilov, Ioseff-Yevo Mother: Iskhakova, Soro | Boris-Bahor-Zvi | 6 April 1998 | 27 | Death |
Haimova, Mariya | Mariya | 7 April 1961 | 64 | Death |
Khasanov, Nison | Nison | 7 April 1941 | 84 | Death |
Kushmakov, Benjamin | Benjamin | 7 April 1939 | 86 | Birth |
Sofiev, Amnun | Amnun | 7 April 1996 | 29 | Death |
Davidova, Freho | Freho | 8 April 1957 | 68 | Death |
Efraimov, Misha-Michael Father: Efraimov, Manni-Korra Mother: Abramova, Sporo | Misha-Michael | 8 April 1990 | 35 | Death |
Isakbaeva, Zoya | Zoya | 8 April 1925 | 100 | Birth |
Khanimov, Khanan Father: Khanimov, Michoel Mother: Sezanaeva, Yaffa | Khanan | 8 April 1983 | 42 | Death |
Khanimov, Yakov Father: Khanimov, Khanan Mother: Iskhakova, Bahmal | Yakov | 8 April 1936 | 89 | Birth |
Pinhasova, Tamara | Tamara | 8 April 1992 | 33 | Death |
Prieva, Betie | Betie | 8 April 2014 | 11 | Death |
Priyeva, Betie | Betie | 8 April 2014 | 11 | Death |
Yakubova, Sarra | Sarra | 8 April 2009 | 16 | Death |
Yakutielov, Sion Father: Yakutiel, Rabbay Mother: Oy Qizi, Leo | Sion | 8 April 1914 | 111 | Death |
Avulova, Zulay | Zulay | 9 April 1989 | 36 | Death |
Fuzaylov, Sholom | Sholom | 9 April 2007 | 18 | Death |
Kuptiev, Gavriel | Gavriel | 9 April 1970 | 55 | Death |
Simhaeva, Antonina | Antonina | 9 April 1919 | 106 | Birth |
Asher, Menahem | Menahem | 10 April 1991 | 34 | Death |
Ben Naim, Margalit | Margalit | 10 April 1901 | 124 | Birth |
Davidova, Berta-Burho Father: Davidov, Malkiel Mother: Pinhasova, Shirin | Berta-Burho | 10 April 2014 | 11 | Death |
Davidova, Freho | Freho | 10 April 1908 | 117 | Birth |
Kalontarova, Frida Father: Kalantarov, Ariel Mother: Niyazova, Yafa | Frida | 10 April 1916 | 109 | Birth |
Alaeva, Bruriye | Bruriye | 11 April 1954 | 71 | Death |
Aminova, Rivka | Rivka | 11 April 2004 | 21 | Death |
Brakaeva, Tamara Father: Brakaev, Michael Mother: Brakaeva, Istam | Tamara | 11 April 1957 | 68 | Death |
Gulkarov, Uriel | Uriel | 11 April 1929 | 96 | Birth |
Khanimov, Khanan Father: Khanimov, Michoel Mother: Sezanaeva, Yaffa | Khanan | 11 April 1913 | 112 | Birth |
Kalontarov, Mosheyan | Mosheyan | 12 April 1912 | 113 | Birth |
Mordahaev, Nisim Father: Morduhaev, Aboku bat Sorah Mother: Morduhaeva, Dvora bat Malko | Nisim | 12 April 1986 | 39 | Death |
Yagudaev, Arkadiy Father: Yagudaev, Boris Mother: Aminova, Hanna | Arkadiy | 12 April 1986 | 39 | Death |
Alarov, Hananio | Hananio | 13 April 2006 | 19 | Death |
Aronov, Shlomo Father: Huzori, Arony Mother: Yakutielova, Yafo | Shlomo | 13 April 1989 | 36 | Death |
Haimov, Rahmin Father: Haimov, Yakov Mother: Ibragimova, Mihall | Rahmin | 13 April 1953 | 72 | Birth |
Iskhakov, Bahor Father: Paltielov, Iosef Mother: Yakutilova, Yoshuo Aleksandra | Bahor | 13 April 1907 | 118 | Birth |
Nisimova, Zoya-Zulay | Zoya-Zulay | 13 April 1941 | 84 | Birth |
Abramova, Osnat Mother: Abramova, Avarai | Osnat | 14 April 1998 | 27 | Death |
Babaeva, Lisa | Lisa | 14 April 1926 | 99 | Birth |
Israilov, Boris Father: Israilov, Ari Mother: Isakova, Miriyam | Boris | 14 April 1962 | 63 | Death |
Yagudaeva, Zevo | Zevo | 14 April 1923 | 102 | Birth |
Yakutilov, Rafael-David Abramov Father: Yakutilov, Bahory-Kutiel Mother: Bostony, Miriyem | Rafael-David Abramov | 14 April 1994 | 31 | Death |
Kuinov, Hiskiya | Hiskiya | 15 April 1932 | 93 | Birth |
Pinhasov, Sion Father: Pinhasov, Rahmin Mother: Yakutilova, Bahmal | Sion | 15 April 1984 | 41 | Death |
Yusupov-Gadaev, Rafael Father: Gadaev, Yusup Mother: Zavurova, Hamro | Rafael | 15 April 1943 | 82 | Death |
Dorodnih, Fedor | Fedor | 16 April 1918 | 107 | Birth |
Kalontarov, Mosheyan | Mosheyan | 16 April 1944 | 81 | Death |
Moshe, Zulayho | Zulayho | 16 April 1955 | 70 | Death |
Shimonov, Yushvan Father: Shimonov, Ezro Mother: Bachaeva, Efer | Yushvan | 16 April 1987 | 38 | Death |
Isakharov, Iosif Father: Israilov, Hiye Mother: Israilova, Malko | Iosif | 17 April 2004 | 21 | Death |
Izrailov, Michael | Michael | 17 April 1997 | 28 | Death |
Yakutilov, David-Hay Father: Yakutilov, Bahory-Kutiel Mother: Iskhakova, Freho | David-Hay | 17 April 1984 | 41 | Death |
Yakutilova, Shoshana Father: Yakutilov, Ruben Mother: Mosheeva, Burho | Shoshana | 17 April 1929 | 96 | Birth |
Yunaev, Ilyahu-Yuno Father: Davidov, Yuno Mother: Yakutilova, Saviyo | Ilyahu-Yuno | 17 April 1985 | 40 | Death |
Bangieva, Mariyam | Mariyam | 18 April 1985 | 40 | Death |
Izrailov, Moshe Father: Izrailov, Iosef Mother: Mihailova, Ester | Moshe | 18 April 1973 | 52 | Death |
Yakutilova, Osnat Father: Yakutielov, Sion Mother: Levieva, Blor | Osnat | 18 April 1991 | 34 | Death |
Yakutilova, Panino Father: Yakutielov, Efraim Mother: Yakutielova, Dvoro | Panino | 18 April 1985 | 40 | Death |
Haimov, Pulat-Eleezar | Pulat-Eleezar | 19 April 2001 | 24 | Death |
Natanova, Shifro | Shifro | 19 April 1968 | 57 | Death |
Iskhakova, Mazol | Mazol | 20 April 1920 | 105 | Birth |
Isroilova, Zilpo | Zilpo | 20 April 2010 | 15 | Death |
Kalontarova, Roza-Siviya | Roza-Siviya | 20 April 1920 | 105 | Birth |
Yakutilova, Sveta Father: Yakutilov, Moshehay Mother: Zavurova, Billio | Sveta | 20 April 2002 | 23 | Death |
Kuptiev, David | David | 21 April 1979 | 46 | Death |
Yakutilova, Raya-Rohell Father: Yakutilov, Yakovi Yushi Mother: Rafaelova, Zilpo | Raya-Rohell | 21 April 1938 | 87 | Birth |
| Total events: 128 | | |